Trying to make the most of the remaining good weather, we got it wrong and spent a photo free day (often with no views due to the mist then rain!) on Beinn an Eoin, a lovely hill near Stone Valley. Despite the inclement weather, I was perfectly comfortable wearing shorts all day, and this held the advantage of less wet clothing! Coming back off the long walk in to the hill though, we were a little disappointed to see that the weather was clear and the sun setting to the west. We chose the wrong spot for the day!
Not to be out done, the next day we set off from cloudy Loch Maree to sunny Gairloch. What a contrast - no midges and we were able to breakfast bathed in sun on the quayside. Then off to Aztec Tower, always at its best with the sun illuminating its fascinating red sanstone, for some new routing and old favourites.
Aztec Tower as it should be, bathed in sun. The unusual rock is partially metamorphosed sanstone, with a strange, shiny patina, very very lovely!
Stuart's hopefully new route submitted as:
Texcoco 15m HS 4b. S. Macfarlane, J. Northover. 2nd October 2011.
Climb up Warrior God to the middle ledge of that route then follow the obvious left diagonal crack which joins the upper part of Conquistador.
Climb up Warrior God to the middle ledge of that route then follow the obvious left diagonal crack which joins the upper part of Conquistador.
Jeanie on a new route Stuart put up earlier this year, Coatlicue. Yes, it still felt the same grade!
Inca Trail (or Coatlicue) 15m HS 4b. S. Macfarlane, J. Northover. 5th June 2011.
Start at the base of Warrior God and follow the left diagonal crack out to the arete of Conquistador and then continue up the arete.
Jeanie's new route:
Another new route? Sacrificial Stone 10m S 4a. J. Northover, S. Macfarlane. 2nd October 2011.
Between Sun God and Infanta is a vague crack line leading to the top. The crack is attained by a tricky move to gain a ledge with a large clump of heather. Easier climbing up crack line leads to the top.